Notices and Ordinances
Sealed Bids will be received by the City of Villa Hills for the Valley Trails Drive Full Depth Reconstruction Project. The scope of work includes full depth reconstruction of the roadway and the installation of new curbs on Valley Trails Drive as depicted on the project plans. The project is located along Valley Trails Drive between Dry Creek Court and Dalewood Drive in Villa Hills, Kenton County, Kentucky.
Last Day for Questions shall be December 11, 2024 by 5 pm. EST
Last Addendum, if any, shall be issued on December 13, 2024 by 5 pm. EST
Contractors are encouraged to utilize local Vendors and Suppliers.
Contract Documents may be obtained from PRIME AE Group, Inc. (Talha Adnan – [email protected]). Partial sets of documents will not be provided.
Bids must be delivered to Villa Hills City Clerk, 720 Rogers Road, Villa Hills, KY 41017, on or before 2:30 PM prevailing local time on Wednesday, December 18, 2024.
The City of Villa Hills (OWNER) reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to waive any informalities or errors or to reject any or all bids for any reason. The Owner reserves the right to negotiate with the apparent successful bidder as necessary to meet the needs of the Owner.
Small, local, minority and female-owned businesses are encouraged to participate. Each bidder must deposit with his Bid, security in the amount, form and subject to the conditions provided in the Instructions to Bidders. No price escalation during the time of the Construction Contract shall be considered. EOE.
1. The City of Villa Hills, Kentucky, 720 Rogers Rd., Villa Hills, KY 41017, hereby requests sealed bids and proposals for the provision of sodium chloride for use on City roads during the period from November 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025, according to and in conformity with this Request for Sealed Bids and Proposals (“Request”) and the attached Sodium Chloride Specifications.
- The Sodium Chloride Specifications and Bid Form attached hereto are made a part of this Request by reference. They describe the specifications and contractual provisions related to the proposal. Any changes in those specifications or contractual provisions may invalidate any bid or proposal that includes those changes.
3. Per the Bid Form, bidders may provide a bid for either or both of (1) undyed sodium chloride and (2) blue-dyed sodium chloride.
4. Bids shall provide the price per ton. The City shall not be obligated to purchase any minimum amount of sodium chloride from the successful bidder.
5. All bids and proposals must be in conformity with this Request and the Sodium Chloride Specifications.
- Bidders shall complete and sign the attached Bid Form and deliver it to the Villa Hills City Administrator at the Villa Hills City Administration Building, 720 Rogers Rd., Villa Hills, KY 41017 in a sealed envelope labeled “Sodium Chloride Bid” on or before December 9, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. prevailing time, with time being of the essence.
- All bids in response to this solicitation shall be publicly opened at the Villa Hills City Administration Building on December 9, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. prevailing time.
- Proposals for the provision of sodium chloride received by the City since July 1, 2024, will be accepted as a bid.
- The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids, and the right to waive any irregularities therein.
- The City reserves the right to participate in any Kenton County joint purchasing agreement for sodium chloride.
The City of Villa Hills (OWNER) reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to waive any informalities or errors or to reject any or all bids for any reason. This contract is considered a Lump Sum Contract. The Owner reserves the right to negotiate with apparent successful bidder as necessary to meet the needs of the Owner.
Small, local, minority and female-owned businesses are encouraged to participate. Each bidder must deposit with his Bid, security in the amount, form and subject to the conditions provided in the Instructions to Bidders. No price escalation during the time of the Construction Contract shall be considered. EOE.
Road Salt Specifications
The Kentucky Legislature as of 2020 allows publication of Ordinances on the City website rather than running a lengthy and expensive advertisement in the newspaper. Beginning with Ordinances requiring publication in July 2020, ordinances published on this website shall remain posted for ninety days; those relating to the City budget or finances shall remain posted for one year. (See KRS 424.110-424.370).
Villa Hills Ordinances
Current Code of Ordinances
City's Zoning Code
Adopted by Ordinance 2021-2 on June 16, 2021. Click here to view.
Ordinances Passed since last codification
Ordinances passed since February 17, 2021, are available below and must be displayed for 1 year.
Ordinances passed since last codification | Description | |
O-2015-08 | Establishing Code of Ethical Conduct | 08-11-2015 |
O 2021-1 | Repealing & Readopting Chapter 90 of City’s Municipal Code of Ordinances, Titled Animals | 02-17-2021 |
O 2021-2 | Repealing & Replacing the Official Zoning Code as Adopted by Ordinance No. 5-1981 as amended, and adopting a New Zoning Code and Zoning Map as the Official Zoning Code and Zoning Map of the City of Villa Hills, KY | 06-16-2021 |
O 2021-3 | Budget Amendment for July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021 | 06-16-2021 |
O 2021-4 | Appropriating Funds for Operation of City Government for July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022 | 06-16-2021 |
O 2021-5 | Adopting an Amended Interlocal Agreement Between the Kenton County Fiscal Court and Kenton County Cities for Code Enforcement in Kenton County, Kentucky | 06-16-2021 |
O 2021-6 | Adopting the 2021 S-6 Supplement to the Code of Ordinances | 06-16-2021 |
O 2021-7 | Levying ad valorem real estate tax and personal property tax | 09-15-2021 |
O 2021-8 | Amending the Villa Hills Personnel Policies | 11-17-2021 |
O 2021-9 | Granting and Issuing a Competitive, Non-Exclusive Franchise Agreement with Cincinnati Bell Extended Territories LLC | 11-17-2021 |
O 2021-10 | Authorizing the Mayor to enter into an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with the City of Crescent Springs to Amend the Police Services Contract | 11-17-2021 |
O 2021-11 | Prohibits storage, keeping, raising, or harboring of fowl within the city with exceptions | 12-15-2021 |
O 2021-12 | Amending Sidewalk maintenance and repair sections of Chapter 150 of the Villa Hills Code of Ordinances titled General Provisions | 12-15-2021 |
O 2021-13 | Budget Amendment for July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022 | 12-15-2021 |
O 2022-1 | Amending Section 110.02 of the City’s Municipal Code – setting Occupational License Fee on Insurance Companies at 7% | 03-16-2022 |
O 2022-2 | Appropriating and Reserving an amount up to but not exceeding $1.5 million dollars to be applied to the construction expenses in connection with the construction of a new fire house | 03-16-2022 |
O 2022-3 | Amending Official Zoning Ordinance to define Family Child Care Home | 06-06-2022 |
O 2022-4 | Amending the Personnel and Pay Classification Plan of Non-Civil Service Employees | 06-06-2022 |
O 2022-5 | Appropriating Funds for Operation of City Government for July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023 | 06-24-2022 |
O 2022-6 | Budget Amendment for July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022 | 06-24-2022 |
O 2022-7 | Amending Ch. 93 of Code of Ordinances to create new section 93.05 permitting residents to tap in down spouts or sump pump lines to city-owned underground drainage pipes | 08-17-2022 |
O 2022-8 | Amending Street sections 74.30 Streets with No Parking and 74.31 Streets designated with Fire Lanes to add streets & alleys in Sanctuary Village Subdivision | 08-17-2022 |
O 2022-9 | Levying ad valorem real estate tax and personal property tax | 09-21-2022 |
O 2022-10 | Amending City Code of Ordinance section 50.15 to adjust assessment for garbage service in the City | 09-21-2022 |
O 2022-11 | Amending City Code of Ordinances Chapter 52 titled Small Cell Tower Design Guidelines | 09-21-2022 |
O 2022- 12 | Amending Chapter 74 of the Villa Hills Code of Ordinances | 12-05-2022 |
O-2023-01 | Amending Section 30.37 of Villa Hills Code of Ordinances | 01/26/23 |
O-2023-02 Amending Sections 2.07, 4.05, 5.08, 7.04, 7.06, 11.09, and 14.02 of the Villa Hills Zoning Code 03/15/2023
O-2023-03 Amending Section 150.15 of the City of Villa Hills Code of Ordinances to set the meeting schedule for the Board of Adjustments. 03/15/2023
O-2023-04 Appropriating Funds for Operation of City Government for July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024. 06/21/2023
O-2023-05 Budget Amendment for July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023
O-2023-06 Granting & Issuing a franchise agreement – Charter Communications, Inc. – July 26, 2023
O-2023-07 Amending Sidewalk Maintenance & Repair Sections of Chapter 150 of Villa Hills Code of Ordinances – July 26, 2023
O-2023-08 Levying ad valorem real estate tax and personal property tax – September 20, 2023
O-2023-09 Amending City Code of Ordinance section 50.15 to adjust assessment for garbage service in the City – September 20, 2023
O-2023-10 Authorizing the Mayor to enter into Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with City of Crescent Springs for Police services – September 20, 2023
O-2023-11 Amending the Personnel and Pay Classification Plan of Non-Civil Service employees retroactive to July 1, 2023
O-2023-12 Amending Section 30.37 of City Zoning Ordinance revising the schedule for Caucus meetings
O-2024-01 Amending Budget for July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024 06/19/2024
O-2024-02 Appropriating Funds for Operation of City Government for July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025 06/19/2024
O-2024-03 Amending the Villa Hills Personnel Policies 06/19/2024
O-2024-04 Amending the Code of Ordinances to prevent medical cannabis facilities int he city 06/19/2024
O-2024-05 Levying ad valorem real estate tax and personal property tax – September 18, 2024
O-2024-06 Adopting The 2024 S-7 Supplement to the City of Villa Hills, Kentucky Code of Ordinances
O-2024-07 Amending the Villa Hills Personnel Policies to prohibit the use of medicinal cannabis by city employees